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1991 High School Winners


From Our Roots
Reading African and Latin American authors to gain insight into their own and another culture and to encourage them to write about their own heritage as part of their study of world literature
B.R. Michael Williams
Mathematics at Kelvyn Park
The development of a school based math publication to provide recognition for student accomplishments in math classes, to motivate students to have an interest in math, to demonstrate a need for math in career choices and to provide information on topics in mathematics
Johnny J. Banks
Community Service through Literacy
High school students will read with second graders at a nearby elementary school and keep journals on their experiences. They will also visit elderly patients in a nursing home where they will listen to their stories and writeup their experiences for publication
Yolanda Simmons
Performing Arts
Students will write, direct, choreograph and produce an all school theatrical production as well as develop a program book, sell ads in the book and sell candy at the production
Kymara Chase
“I Have A Thing for Reading”
Freshmen will read seven selected books and write a review of each which will be entered in a contest in which prizes will be awarded to the best entries and to all students who participated in the program
Ardis Kenney
Teacher/Parent Counseling
RAISE (Reduce At-Home and In-School Exclusions)
An educational consultant will conduct sessions with parents and teachers on her approach to behavior modification which stresses self-awareness in combination with nurturance and support
Darlene F. Bennett
Urban Youth
Volunteer Service
Focus on the Future - Student Volunteers
Students will develop personal, academic, social and employment skills while working in part-time volunteer positions in addition to their regular classes
Katherine Harris
Work Training Program
“Whose Job Is It?”
Students will visit several job sites as part of a “job shadowing” internship progrqm to gain information on and experience in a variety of work settings, broadening their future career opportuinities
Martha Evans, Geraldyne S. Williams
Motivation and Career Education
A realistic simulation of the free enterprise system to help students learn about savings, budgeting and banking by offering them financial incentives for good attendance, positive work habits and achievement
Pamela McFalls, John Kula, Gerald Slania
Visual Enrichment
Developing a Visually Enriched Multicultural Environment
Displaying a variety of posters and reproductions reflecting historical events and individuals from many cultures to supplement the education of deaf students by stimulating their major sensory modality (sight)
Paula Tumas